  • The sector of hardware, bathroom & kitchen equipment and HVAC systems sees diversification in the sale key The companies in the hardware and industrial supply sector, bathroom and kitchen equipment, and ventilation and air conditioning systems of amec have met to evaluate the end of 2020 and share their forecast with respect to 2021. In 2020 there has been a rebound in the Home reforms, driven among other motivations by the greater time that citizens have spent at home as a result of confinement and the pandemic, and the accumulated savings of families due to the inability to travel.
  • The IAQ Cluster is born with the aim of promoting indoor air quality and safety The IAQ Cluster is born with the aim of promoting indoor air quality and safety The new CLUSTER IAQ cluster brings together the most important companies in the indoor air treatment sector in Spain.
    SODECA, as benchmark companies in ventilation systems and indoor air treatment, is part of the founding group of companies, an association that will help the different stakeholders to cooperate and share synergies.
  • Reflecting the industry: ISH to go digital Due to the current worldwide spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated travel restrictions, Messe Frankfurt has decided, jointly with the conceptual sponsors of ISH, to hold ISH 2021 on an exclusively…
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